Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Thursday? Cmon People

Sometimes it is easy to overlook things: a worksheet for a class, running an errand, etc.  This Holiday Season, however, it seems as though everywhere you look, people are completely skipping Thanksgiving and jumping right to Christmas.  This includes decorations, music on the radio, and Black Friday sales.

I can get over people setting up Christmas decorations a little early while it is still semi-nice out, and I can forgive the few people that listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving because I understand how awesome Christmas music is given the right time.  But Black Friday has finally overstepped its boundary into my time off.

Over the past five years, I have gone out and done a little Black Friday shopping with family and friends.  What first started out as curiosity about what drove people to the craziness of Black Friday has finally come back to square one.  Throughout the years, I have picked up some great gifts for others, as well as some great electronics and such that saved me a few bucks. 

But in these same years I have been going out time after time, retail companies have been pushing the store openings earlier and earlier.  It has gone from opening at 6am Black Friday morning to now 8pm on Thanksgiving night.  And while it would be easy to blame these companies for pushing times earlier and earlier, we should also blame ourselves for allowing us to go earlier and earlier. 

Working in retail around the holidays is always crazy, and it only gets exponentially more difficult on Black Friday.  I have been lucky enough to have not worked the last few Black Fridays (thank God for my friend, the Educational Leave of Absence) but I know many people who are there year in and year out.  While before you had a long day of work stretching only a few more hours than normal, now people are needed to work multiple shifts over the course of one "day".

When will they stop searching for a break even point when they can make the most money out of customers, while paying time-and-a-half to keep employees there, while crushing down on time people should be spending wherever makes them happy?  What is to stop them from opening the stores at 5pm Thanksgiving Day?  Are Christmas decorations going to go on clearance on Christmas Day in the future? 

Obviously, some employees are pissed off enough that they are planning a walk-out for Wal-mart.  And customers are outraged to the point where people are picketing during shopping hours.  Why can't we just go back to the time of walking up early or heading out late Thanksgiving evening to catch a deal?  Because they care too much about profits and not about people.

Thanksgiving is about reflection on what you're thankful for.  It's about spending time with family, friends, and whoever (or lack there of) you want.  Thanksgiving is about sitting back and saying, "I'm glad I can take the time to sit back and say this line, and not worry about everything for a moment."

It's sad that people are forced to contemplate worrying about the next thing they are going to get, rather than enjoy the wonderful things they already have around them. But until enough people show that they value their families, friends, and time, Black Friday will only get worse and worse; I can't wait to see when sales begin 12am on Thanksgiving Day sometime.

Am I going Black Friday shopping? Yes, but don't expect to see me at a store opening.  The sale can wait. Life won't.

In the meantime, get off the computer and try to enjoy yourself today, whether that's with your family, friend, or your trusty microphone-turkey leg.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Blog Created: Just A Movie Blog

Seeing as I rant a good amount on movies, I figured it wise to start a Blog devoted to just that: my love for movies.  The followups to my 2012 in Film post will be over on that Blog from here on out.  So far I have my January Films post up and published so give it a read and look for the February post soon enough.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

2012 in Film

Okay, being a movie person, I figured I should share my personal thoughts that 2012 is going to be ONE EPIC YEAR FOR MOVIES.  There is roughly one movie a month that I'm pumped to see/ intrigued by.  And as the year goes on, I have heard more and more about films that have already come out, securing my statement.

Don't get me wrong: there could be a year where there was just a solid list of movies for the year that shouldn't be overshadowed.  But this year is one to top them off.  This post won't go in to details about my reasoning for the selections.

First Quarter

January- Contraband, Red Tails, Underworld Awakening, The Grey
February- Chronicle, The Woman in Black, Safe House, Star Wars: Episode I in 3D
March- John Carter, 21 Jump Street, The Hunger Games, The Raid: Redemption

Summer Blockbusters- The Middle Half

April- Lockout, The Raven
May- The Avengers, Men in Black 3
June-Snow White & the Huntsman, Prometheus, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
July- The Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight Rises
August- The Bourne Legacy, Total Recall, The Expendables 2

Last Quarter

October- Taken 2
November- Skyfall
December- The Hobbit, The Great Gatsby

Remember, this list is not full of amazing movies (see The Expendables 2) just movies that I have an interest in seeing.  The three movies I am most looking forward to would easily be The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, and Skyfall.  But I'm sure I'll get into details about those movies soon enough.  

The Avengers, the first of my Big 3, comes out May 4th

Post about January, February, and March movies already out yet, coming soon.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Just A Blog : 1

I am making this because I needed to make another blog in order to make an impact on a global level.  That's not what this is, though.  This is just a place for me to try something new out.  This is me writing for the purpose of writing and with no intended audience.  This is Just A Blog.